Pull an Elsa, and Let it Go

Ingrid Nilsen is a YouTube celeb that focuses on beauty, fashion, health, and does vlogs on daily life problems.

Ingrid posted a video talking about how to relax and let things go. The video not only gave some great tips, but it also had serene music and scenery.

Ingrid suggests that sometimes the best thing to do is to take a step back and seek some mental clarity.

She also discusses the importance of disconnecting, and to try to get over the need to feel constantly connected to everything and everyone. Ingrid suggests to put you plane on airplane mode and take an hour or two, she prefers in the morning or before bed, to be completely disconnected from social media, texts, or email. Ingrid recommends starting to disconnect for 10 minutes, then after some time stretch it to the full hour. Then use this free time to do things just for yourself, like read or meditate.

Quick note, in the video you can see that Ingrid has a written out schedule that breaks done her day by the minutes, and she includes relaxing time.

I also really like Ingrid’s idea of taking Sunday’s to do what makes you happy. Taking that time to go outside, or spend the day writing. This should be a day designated to the things that you love to do. I know I love to spend my Sunday’s hanging out with my friends and catching up on TV shows and movies.

“If you you’re feeling pressured to have it all figured out by now, don’t. No matter what your age, no matter what you’re doing. We are all trying to figure life out, and we’re going to have better days and we’re going to have sucky days. We’re human beings, at the end of the day, that’s what unites us all and should give us all a bit of comfort,” says Ingrid.

Go take a drive and create your own relaxing adventure!

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